at 12pm Eastern Standard Time
By Marty Hopkins Another Great Marketer
that has been on the internet for years.
This is his Very First Mailer so I hope you will
join him in it and show him your support
because It is a very big step becoming a owner.
He does have Dan Moses as his Launch Manager
so he learns how to properly run a mailer but still
he needs our help also I hope YOU see my point
and Join it, upgrade, and promote it.
You will see all of his great offers when you
join and there only be one time offers compared
to the prices that they are inside.
He does have a Life Time Upgrade that starts out
at $97.00 Dollars USD then goes up by $10.00 USD
every 10 that is sold. So you want to hurry on in
and Jump on it as fast as you can.
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