A Totally Unique Traffic Exchange

-The very Best TE you can join -end of story
- 1 to 1 surf ratio available to ALL members
-Banner Advertising
-Text Ads
-Cash Commissions 25-50%
-up to 25% Downline surfs over 2 Levels
-All Members find Cash Prizes found while Surfing
-Word Find
-Downline Mailer
-Downline Builder
-Incredible support
-Credit Transfer System
-Personalized Splash Pages
-One of the Highest rating in the World for member response
-Admin Policies of encouraging and rewarding Members supporting each other increases results.
-Admin gives HONEST reviews of other promotions and does NOT send

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BitCoiner Asli, New List, Send Your Offer

Hi BitCoiner,

Here is a brand new list where you
can submit your offers ...

This site keeps growing!

You get plenty of ways to drive traffic
and get exposure.

Signup now and submit your ad.

All the best,

P.S. Sign up as a free member but also
check out the special discounted offers
available during launch.


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Promote any Program You Wish

Promote ALL of YOUR Favorite Programs at once
You can promote all your websites and referral URLs from one simple URL

It’s simple!Every time someone visits Your Rotator URL they will be directed to one of your websites

When they come back they will see a different website!

And unlike other rotators,we do not limit the amount of URLs that you can rotate


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Everyone in APC promotes One Link!! There is no competition against other members
and we're all helping one another!
One Team - One Mission - One Link

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Get Free Clixsense referals Join Team

Already a Clixsense Member?
You can still join Our Team!
Both Premium and Free Standard Members Accepted.
Our Team is OPEN to
FREE ClixSense STANDARD Members!

as FREE Standard Member and
You can start building your
ClixSense Downline Network
immediately by promoting as a Team!
Promote Your Team Link!
The More Team Members You Recruit,
The Bigger Your Downline Grows!

share the same 2x8 Matrix
using the same 2 Methods*
but are restricted to standard referrals.
(*refer to diagram below.)
But with Self-Promotion and Referring,

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DLB Caddy - Never Miss A Referral Again!

Hi BitCoiner,

Do you know how many referrals you miss out on
because you don't have every slot filled in every
downline builder?

Filling in downline builders is a chore though,
and even when you do it, how often do you notice
when the owner adds other programs to it later?

What if there were a program that would not only
let you fill in any downline builder almost
effortlessly, but would also tell you directly
which downline builders you're a member of that
have missing referral IDs?

Guess what - there is!

It's called DLB Caddy. It's a really easy to use
browser extension that will pick up any existing
IDs you have and fill in any missing ones.

It also has an optional subscription service
that will notify you when a downline builder adds
a new program you're a member of so that you can
add your ID and never miss a referral again.

And that's just one of many features.

Go grab it now - I guarantee you'll never fill
in downline builders without it again.

All the best

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The "Dream" Launch - Free Launch Site If You Hurry

Were you on the net a few years ago when huge launches were the thing?

I remember them... you would go thru a whole bunch of processses and then spend a whole bunch of money for a "big box" of stuff.

Then the net changed to just have launches ever 14 seconds and most of them were poop.

Well.. now The New Thing! The Net Millionaires Club! This is the "Dream Launch"
for all of us because, one... what we get as members.. Oh My GOSH!

And two.. you get a launch site for nothing.. no credit card, no order button, just get it and start building your referrals and sign ups with a hot, hot, hot launch site.

You have to hurry because there is one thing that has not changed about launches.. they are only "Launching" for a short time, so this.. right NOW is the time to grab your launch site and to get in first!

Sharon Cusack

P.S. I can't wait for you to see what is finally "OUR REAL SHOT" at the internet lifestyle we've seen others get but haven't quite ever been able to ourselves.. right? : - )


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Means Superb Advertising For You!


Do you have hundreds of thousands of Banner Impressions waiting to get delivered?

Most Safelists are too Generous with Banner and Text Ads Impressions...

OverTheRainbowMailer offers quality as standard don't settle for second best any longer.


Join today.


PS: You won't get 10,000,000 free Banners for joining. BUT you will get RESULTS FROM YOUR ADS!


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What Happened to HONESTY & INTEGRITY?

What Happened to HONESTY & INTEGRITY?

Boy am I SICK to DEATH of Scammers,
and those who will do ANYTHING to make
a buck online.

Thank goodness there are still some
HONEST Admins out there, like the owners
of this New Awesome Program:


No worries about being scammed here...I promise!

Cynthia Howard

You get a 100% F.REE Premium Advertising
Package when you join for FREE!

PLUS...Get Some AWESOME Traffic Bonuses
from me too, just for taking a look.


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Earn a Living from Prosperity Marketing!

Dear Colleague,

Are you seeking a legit business?
Then this is the right thing for you!

We have set up a special version of our
Prosperity Marketing System that is ideal
to promote more than 20 income streams
at the same time.

You are free to change everything and to
create your own multiple income universe.

This is definitely the ultimate Plug and Play
System to build a real income online.

Sign up free and see what we have done!

Simply and Sincerely,
U.L. Nickel

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Start Your FREE Travel Business In Just 30 Seconds

Starting your own free online travel business has been made easy! You are given a free travel website with a business name of your choice.This gives you direct access to thousands of the most desirable hotels worldwilde! You then drive travellers to your website where they make bookings and you earn thousands of dollars in residual commissions for life!

Start your free travel business here NOW:


Talk soon

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[50,000 Visitors] - Limited Time No Cost Offer

We're holding 50,000 FREE Guaranteed Visitors for YOU. AMAZING!

Get This MASSIVE TRAFFIC PACKAGE Absolutely FREE!"REAL Visitors To Your Website PLUS...

=> 100,000 FREE Safelist Credits!
=> 50,000 Visitors to Your Site!
=> 10,000 Traffic Ad Exchange Credits
=> 75,000 Ad Views To Your Website
=> PLUS Secrets To DOMINATING Google's First Page!

Yours In Success,

Glen Brink


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Hey Friend Never Want For Money Again!

Friend, if you never want to worry about Money...
ever again, you\'ve got to discover this!

> Let me present you with a company that sells FOR YOU!

> That sets you up to make you daily cash, instantly and on automatic!

> That is just Pre-launching and already paying daily!

> That places you at the Top position of a proven Forced Matrix (when you join today) where you can receive great spill over!

> That will give you an amazing product that will generate you targeted leads for life, for anything you want to sell or promote online!

> That is only a one time 9.99 and awards you with a tremendous profit potential of 2,000 to 20,000+ a month.

> That even if you do nothing but save your position, it can still bring you profits! More so when you join NOW at the top!

> That will do the promo for your site, essentially giving you the opportunity of making money without lifting a finger!

> That it is already so hot that thousands of people keep continuously joining worldwide, by the second!

Take a look at this NOW...

James Johnston

P.S. If you want to make more money in the year 2,016
than you ever had in all the previous years of your life, then
get into this NOW!

Save your position at the very top and start
making money TODAY!

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LAS Is Simple...

Hey BitCoiner

You've probably heard of Leased Ad Space and seen a BIG list of amazing benefits.

It may look ccomplicated, but- All you need to remember is THREE things:

1) For just 7 bucks you can send 1 solo ad to the entire database of Leased Ad Space every 28 days, FOR LIFE.

2) Every solo you send gets cross posted to the on site ad blog, which gets residual traffic to your ad as the site grows and gets read by the search engines.

3) Once you own a traffic package you can earn 100 percent commissions off of selling that package.

Go Check it out!

-Seely Clark IV


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4 Signups in 30 mins?! (4 CORNERS ALLIANCE GROUP)

This morning, between 9:03am and
9:33am my stats show 4 sales in
4 Corners Alliance Group from my
BMOB leads. Seriously!


As a member you get 80 leads daily
that you can mail with the members

Top 3 reasons I prefer mailing
BMOB leads over safelists:

1. BMOB leads are exclusive
to the user. They are NOT shared.
With safelists EVERYONE mails
the same people.

2. BMOB Leads arent just
trying to click to earn credits
like safelist users do. BMOB
leads have GENUINE interest
in biz opp & Internet Marketing
and are EXPECTING to hear from
someone just like YOU.

3. I don't have to click to earn
credits to mail these leads.
I get 80 fresh leads added
daily and my results go up
as my leads grow.

I should also mention that my
open rates, clicks, optins
and sales from mailing my
BMOB leads has been

Yesterdays mailing had a 21%
open rate, 353 clicks, 31 optins
and 5 sales in 4 Corners Alliance

Not you're typical safelist
results! Enough said.

I'll be online ALL day if you
need me :)


Faith McDowell
Mother, Marketer, Mentor.
email: faithbasedadvertising@gmail.com

P.S. Email me if ya need a hand :)
I give you my WORD BMOB
will EXCEED your expectations
And I take my word VERY seriously.

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Overtherainbowmailer is CONVERTING!

Over The Rainbow Mailer Mailer Has LAUNCHED!

Sign up Free, then take the JV RAINBOW OTO when you Login to the site..
Remember, you pay ONCE and NEVER PAY AGAIN!
Enter the Over The Rainbow Mailer and start earning today!

To your marketing success,

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Get Traffic Now BitCoiner: Make Money Today!

Get HUGE marketing exposure!

Free tracker shows if a REAL visitor or not
plus How long is your site really VIEWED?

Got some good content?
Your site can be viewed up to 3 minutes for credits.

Share your links for even more viral exposure because
Your adverts can be appearing also on 600 plus BLOGS!

Leads Leap 2.0 included with your current marketing
plans means a REAL Biz Op for you and your referrals.

One out of ten sign-ups upgrade to PROFESSIONAL.

The other nine most likely never learned
this benefit:
MASSIVE Credits on Down-line 10 LEVELS DEEP and also
POST Your Upline Message down 10 Levels Deep
plus to REAL permanent spillover downline.

In Your Best Interests,
Robert D Smith

Share your links with over 80,000 members
and targeted-traffic will view your interesting info.

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Absolutely The Best List Builder On The Net! We Have All The Tools!

Hey BitCoiner,

Everyone has opportunities handed to them in life, it's whether or not you seize them that truly makes the difference...

It doesn't matter what business you are currently promoting this will help you explode it!

In fact even if you don't currently have a primary business the system alone could have you earning a 5 or even 6 figure income before the end of this year...Some of these Income streams/downlines that you could start building on total auto-pilot include...

- PureLeverage (100% upfront, 50% recurring)- GVO(4x10 matrix,300% In Bonus Commissions )

- Youreightsteps (50% recurring and one time)

As you look on what is just the beginning of what this new system is capable of, I'm sure you are quickly realizing how this is your chance to be a part of something HUGE early in the game.

If you decide to join today, don't hesitate to call on me for help if you need it.

The Best To YOU,

John Worsham

PS: YOU Can Start Making Mon*e*y TODAY!


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Never Made $ Online? That All Changes TODAY!

Start getting real traffic now..

Promote your favorite opportunities online and get

This is not a rev share, a cycler, or hyip, it is
a real traffic network, designed to deliver real humans..

A legitimate way for you to sell the number #1
commodity online, traffic..
And get paid 100% commissions at the same time!

We provide the platform, and deliver the traffic,
YOU reap the commissions..

Simple, no gimmicks..

Get started today, and finally start making money!


Sheikh Anees

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BitCoiner Earn a SOLID income from Surfing ...

Yes BitCoiner You read correct!

Now you can build a Huge down-line, and earn a
Real and SOLID residual income just from surfing
Traffic exchanges, that you already use!

It's true, no matter what anyone says ..!

Do you have a PLAN?
Most people DOES NOT have a plan.
And that is where most will fail...

But not you .. since you are reading this.

If you are surfing with a plan, you can earn
Just by surfing, and NOT just pennies! You can earn a
Real and SOLID Residual income just by promoting YOU in the
right way.

First off BitCoiner You need a funnel.
But building a correct funnel takes time, effort,
and tracking. The folks at tePays have created a
funnel for you!


Click on the link above to make sure you qualify
and watch the video to see how it all works.

I will see you there

Morten Kristensen
Skype: megamol

When you signup, you will go through just a few
simple, simple steps to setup your funnel.
Once complete, just surf and use your promo
links and you will very soon be earning while you surf!

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It doesn’t get easier than this!


You are absolutely going to love this!

Seriously, when they say making money
online doesn't get any easier than this,
they mean it...

Whether you are an absolute beginner,
have tried and failed or are just looking
for somewhere to start, this is without a
doubt the perfect opportunity for you.

You probably won't find a cheaper or more
simple to operate income opportunity on
the Net. You literally have nothing to
do except copy, paste and post pre-written
ads/emails in the locations you are given
in the members area.

In fact… take the website traffic rotator
option and you might not even have to do
that to earn.

With PaySpree Sniper, making money online
becomes like child's play!

How it works...

You get a 100% done for you automated website
that sells, PaySpree Sniper memberships and
Internet/affiliate marketing digital products
24 hours a day.

Any system sales your automated website makes
for you get paid instantly and directly to your
account. You can earn anything from $5 one-time
instant payments to monthly residual income and
random products sales from their other integrated
income streams.

It's fun, it's affordable, is 100% risk free and
it pays you instantly and directly every single

What More Could You Ask for?

Get Started Earning Instant Commissions Now!

To Your Success,

Linda Paulk


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A-B-C Easy Way To Make Unlimited Paypal Cash


THIS IS A-B-C EASY (Anyone Can Do It).

Get PAID UNLIMITED $20 To Paypal From
Others Effort With No Monthly Fees!


To Your Success,



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BitCoiner Just Launched...Leased Ad Space!

Sell the hottest commodity online, and get paid

Advanced viral traffic system.

Put your ads on thousands of pages all across the

Without traffic your business is dead in the

Turn $7.00 Into A Endless Stream Of Commissions

Get Traffic Now, and start making money today!

Stanley Ziolkowski


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A Truly Unique TE-It Works

A Totally Unique Traffic Exchange

Look-it is a FACT-there is
NO better place to have your Ad Pages Shown!
If all you want is impressions use an Auto-Surf!
If you want Signups/Sales/Leads/Results;
The Things that Really Count-CPA
Use TrafficDelivers!

The OTO Upgrade May Be
The Wisest Investment You Ever Make!

WHY would you not Join??
DO IT NOW! You will never regret it!


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NEW MLM Launch May 5 Live!

Everyday people around the world discover ideas that can turn into lucrative software, websites, mobile apps, and games. Anyone, regardless of their background, education, or experience can become an Idea Partner and participate in this exciting world. See for yourself and secure your spot today at no cost to you !

Launch Date - Thursday May 5.

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your free $5,000 invite (open NOW)

Hey it\'s Richard on behalf
of Bryan Winters to invite YOU to the
biggest launch of his 7 figure online

Bryan\'s prelaunch contest is live NOW
and runs until May 23rd...

...with $5,000 prelaunch CASH up for

During prelaunch you can invite your
email subscribers into the launch...

...To qualify for 2nd tier commissions
on all THEIR sales made during launch!

...Up to $30 a pop on 100% autopilot!

THEN, on launch week beginning May 24th...

You\'ll bank up to $297 per visitor...

And qualify for ANOTHER $5,000 in
cash prizes ($10,000 total prize pool)...

Since prelaunch is already LIVE, the
sooner you get started, the better!...

Grab your links and affiliate tools
right here:


See you on the leaderboard, BitCoiner!

-Richard Emmons

P.S. There\'s no approval needed. Grab
your prelaunch link + swipe and blast
out today!...


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BitCoiner F.R.E.E 30 Minute Viral List Builder

HI BitCoiner,

F.R.E.E 30 Minute Viral List Builder

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GUARANTEED sign-ups & traffic for ANY website!


do you want GUARANTEED, DAILY referrals and traffic for ANY website?

each end every day?

use our powerful, INSTANT and EFFICIENT advertising platform and skyrocket your businesses!

provided by a small group of veteran â€" 13-year full-time â€" internet marketers

100,000+ sign ups delivered

you don't need only traffic and visitors!

your ultimate goal is to get new leads and sign ups!

NEW! HOT! We are going to launch several dozen services to help you achieve your goals! Get things done! Hire us & name your price!

see for yourself:



To your success!

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EMERGENCY: 4 Corners Alliance Group

Over the past month I've been
asking EVERY Boost My Online Biz
member I chat with, one simple

What program are you pitching
your BMOB leads?

Honestly 8 times out of 10 I
get this answer:

4 Corners Alliance Group

I then ask them this second

How are the BMOB leads responding
to 4 Corners?

The answer to THIS question
always blows me away.

Here's what one member
told me:

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Look At This GIANT!

Hey BitCoiner

Start getting real traffic now..

Promote your favorite opportunities online and get

This is not a rev share, a cycler, or hyip, it is
a real traffic network, designed to deliver real humans..

A legitimate way for you to sell the number #1
commodity online, traffic..
And get paid 100% commissions at the same time!

We provide the platform, and deliver the traffic,
YOU reap the commissions..

Simple, no gimmicks..

Get ready today, and finally start making money!


Seely Clark IV


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Gira y Gana!


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FREE Lifetime Banner Ad Worth $25(No Gimmick)

Welcome to Endless Ad Network

* The site is real simple to use

* Use the site to make up to 100% of sales

* FREE Lifetime Banner Ad($25 value)

* Transfer ads to your downline as a bonus

* Your Ads Last Here For Life

* Every member you refer can earn you up to
100% commissions & much more

Come join today:

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Free Spotlight Login Ad!


Take a Look at this Powerful Advertising For Surfing 25!!

That is all it takes to get your URL on the Login Spotlight Ad Rotator!

**PLUS Owner will be advertising your URL for you at over 100 sites across the net!

Your ads show as long as you surf 25.

If you can't surf one day your ads just won't show that day, but the next day you surf 25 your ads will become active again.

So easy - give it a Try!

H.R. Walker

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Become a Wealthy Affiliate

Become a Wealthy Affiliate...

Turn Any Passion Into a Successful Affiliate Marketing Business


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No Money? No Tech Skills? No Website? No Worries!

Hello BitCoiner,

You can still Build Your List, with Ease!

Learn HOW to:

- Set up your FREE Autoresponder
- Build a Squeeze Page
- Write your Autoresponder Emails (or use ours)
- Promote your business

All WITHOUT Spending a DIME, or being a Tech-Head!

Get your FREE copy of

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Get Traffic & Earn Money!

Sell the hottest commodity online, and get paid instantly!!

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Join this Jackpot and get a Fr*e Gold Membership!

Yes ~fname~,
I am making money by giving away free Gold Memberships!

PIFexplosion is a Special Advertising site for PRO members ONLY
with a great 3x15 Forced Matrix Commission Plan.

PIFexplosion is available

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Get Paid Having Fun


Get paid to socialize on the Internet?

The time has arrived. You can get paid
being on the Internet, socializing,
sharing pictures, playing games,sharing
videos, sharing music and much much

Join FREE now and give it a try.

Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Marian Adair
Skype: MarianAdair1


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Want My Spillover @ LeasedAdSpace?

LeasedAdSpace is totally unique.

You've never seen a matrix like this before.

Upspill, downspill and the chance to earn BIG because it has a product that EVERYBODY WANTS!

Click the link to see how YOU can earn BIG with LeasedAdSpace!


HINT - I promote A LOT! :)

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ViralURL 3.0 Has Finally Arrived! New Features, More Benefits...


The new version of ViralURL is finally out! The wait is
over. Colin Klinkert and Frank Bauer have loaded ViralURL
with plenty of new, powerful features, and more benefits.

With ViralURL 3.0 not only can you shorten and cloak your
links and protect yourself against affiliate commission
theft but you can also promote your own or affiliate
offers to other ViralURL Members...

And you can join for free

But that's not all... Here are some of the new features
and benefits available with ViralURL 3.0:

- NEW Social Message Center
- Improved Social Downline Builder
- NEW Getting Started System
- Campaign Click & Conversion Tracking
- NEW ViralURL Dashboard
- Advanced Statistical Graphics
- 17K Mailing Credits Instead of 10K Credits
- System Mailer For Free Members

With ViralURL 3.0, even Free members have access to the
System Mailer to use Mailing Credits they purchased or
earned through the Getting Started module.

If you haven't signed up to ViralURL yet, I strongly
suggest that you get started now... Why make it hard on
yourself when there is a tool that makes is so easy?

Join me in leveraging my time to get a lot more done
out of the same efforts... If you have any questions,
contact me and I will help you out!

To Your Success,

Randy Werner

P.S.: I am not sure if the number of members they allow
access to the system is limited or they just limit
the number of people that get access for free...
anyway, I took right away advantage of their offer
and recommend you do so too...


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What is the easiest thing to sell online?

Traffic, BitCoiner,

Why is that?

Because every person, entrepreneur, website owner, business needs more of it, in order to make money or promote anything online.

If you do not have lots of traffic, you are sunk, end of story.

What does Leased Ad Space provide you with?

The platform to sell and get traffic..

Think about this, who do you think made all the money in the early gold rush days?

Was it the people who had gold fever, or was it the people selling the picks,

the shovels, and tools needed to get the gold?

Well lets say, there was 50,000 people trying to strike it rich by finding gold, how many do you think actually did so?..A 100..maybe..less?

BUT MAN THAT'S A LOT OF FRICK'IN shovels, picks and other tools these people with gold fever bought!

Didn't matter if they struck gold or not, they still bought them, in droves, because they had no chance of every finding gold with out them.


Everyone marketing online has a product or service to sell..And they are going to purchase traffic from someone, somewhere at sometime..

Shouldn't it be from you BitCoiner?

If you have not purchased your first traffic package yet, and are not promoting your

Leased Ad Space affiliate links, you are truly missing the boat here.

...And it is going to set sail without you.

Everyone in life has had opportunities pass them by, the question is, are you letting this one pass through your finger tips as well?

**Remember you can not earn any commissions, if you do not own a traffic package.

You have to own it to be able to sell it.


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This Is How I Get Visitor To My Site!

INCREASE TRAFFIC More of potential customers and referrals see your website (from several high-traffic websites). Getting your website or landing page seen in dozens of sites, by more of people, maximizing your website and business web exposure.

Buying this traffic will be the difference in just trying to succeed and actually succeeding.


INCREASE YOUR SALES This web traffic is perfectly tailored for anyone who is selling a product, service or idea. Your website is seen by real people who will see your product or service giving you the sales and signups you well and truly deserve.

Best Regards!

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BitCoiner F.R.E.E 30 Minute Viral List Builder

HI BitCoiner,

F.R.E.E 30 Minute Viral List Builder

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Means Superb Advertising For You!


Do you have hundreds of thousands of Banner Impressions waiting to get delivered?

Most Safelists are too Generous with Banner and Text Ads Impressions...

OverTheRainbowMailer offers quality as standard don't settle for second best any longer.


Join today.


PS: You won't get 10,000,000 free Banners for joining. BUT you will get RESULTS FROM YOUR ADS!


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EXPOSED: 4 Corners Alliance Group

This morning, between 9:03am and
9:33am my stats show 4 sales in
4 Corners Alliance Group from my
BMOB leads. Seriously!


As a member you get 80 leads daily
that you can mail with the members

Top 3 reasons I prefer mailing
BMOB leads over safelists:

1. BMOB leads are exclusive
to the user. They are NOT shared.
With safelists EVERYONE mails
the same people.

2. BMOB Leads arent just
trying to click to earn credits
like safelist users do. BMOB
leads have GENUINE interest
in biz opp & Internet Marketing
and are EXPECTING to hear from
someone just like YOU.

3. I don't have to click to earn
credits to mail these leads.
I get 80 fresh leads added
daily and my results go up
as my leads grow.

I should also mention that my
open rates, clicks, optins
and sales from mailing my
BMOB leads has been

Yesterdays mailing had a 21%
open rate, 353 clicks, 31 optins
and 5 sales in 4 Corners Alliance

Not you're typical safelist
results! Enough said.

I'll be online ALL day if you
need me :)


Faith McDowell
Mother, Marketer, Mentor.
email: faithbasedadvertising@gmail.com

P.S. Email me if ya need a hand :)
I give you my WORD BMOB
will EXCEED your expectations
And I take my word VERY seriously.

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Hey Friend

I urge you to checkout a new Rev Share Program

This will surpass any success you had with Traffic Monsoon

Also pays 7 Levels deep

Use Peypal or Bitcoins

Just perform simple daily tasks

Like read 10 emails for example

Everybody is getting in so

Start building your TEAM NOW

To YOUR Success


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Not Getting The Results You Want?

Lets Face It, Your Not Getting The Results You Want......Let Us Help You

Are You Making The fortunes Promised To You By All These Programs?

Is Your Bank Account Filling Up With Money?

Or Are You Just Clicking For Pennies?

Finally An Advanced Marketing Course Designed To Make You Real M*oney!

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Huge Click Thru Rate (14% +)! Awesome Conversion Rate Also!

Hello, Hello, Hello,

Over The Rainbow Mailer, its new and has an
awesome 14% CTR with huge conversion -

So don't wait anymore, jump aboard NOW and
take the JV Lifetime Upgrade and make money
and get visitors and sales on your offers ...

Click The Link Below To Join TODAY:

Over The Rainbow Will Be A Huge Success Because
Of It's Awesome Click Thru Rate (Over 14%) And
The Very High Conversion Rate!

See you inside,

john worsham


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One of the BEST Mailers Online Join Now!

This is Diane Mumm, owner of Mountain High Mailer..

Join my new viral mailer.. One of the few guaranteed active membership base..

We have a active member base.. If you have not been active for 30 days you will be put on unsubscribed, no banner or text hits, until they log back in and resubscribe, simple and effective..This applies to free members only..

What does this mean to You? well , no more wasted time, credits, and money..

You should be excited about this.. so Take Your Marketing to New Heights.

My No# 1 Goal is to have Active Members within this mailer so you will be assured your ad is being seen by others..

Check out the special upgrade packages..

My Mailer Motto is

Click Daily-Mail Daily- Get Results

Diane Mumm


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It's Too Late When It is GONE

GONE. Only thing left was what they could carry in their arms...

My daughter's boyfriend just had an eye-opening, life changing event:

There was a fire in his apartment building that destroyed the top 2 floors of the building. He was on the first floor.

Nobody was injured, but it was a 4 alarm fire, and the building has been declared a total loss.

Saturday, residents on the first and second floor were given permission to enter the building, one trip, two people, for no more than 15 minutes. There was a tremendous amount of smoke and water damage. He and his dad were able to grab:

* His safe and personal papers
* His guitars (in cases so they weren't damaged)
* His tools
* His hard drives and external drives (computers were fried but the hard drives were ok, external drives were in his desk drawer).

Now, let's take this a little farther...

What IF the wind had not died down, and the fire companies were not able to extinguish those flames and the building was a total loss (actually, not from an insurance perspective)?

We dodged the bullet. He is NOW a GotBackup subscriber...

When will YOU realize you SHOULD BE a GotBackup subscriber?

Rich Moyer


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Is Your Income Stalled ?


Own your Business ?

Need Paid Members for your program ?

Sell your own products or services ?

Partner with BUSINESS BLASTERS - Helping YOU Earn

With FRESH Proven advertising techniques and strategies

Dedicated to Individuals and Small Business

From Hickman

P.S. Register FREE and Look Forward to Your Success

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Viral Safelist Mailer

Hello Friend,

Have you heard about the latest email marketing
system? It's called Viral Safelist Mailer.

Viral Safelist Mailer uses a state-of-the-art script
with a

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This News may concern you...


If you have yet to join BOP I highly recommend you do
because it’s by far one of the most lucrative programs around!

Imagine a rev-share program like Traffic Monsoon or MAPS,
but completely automated…

That means no more remembering to log in and click 10 ads
a day, etc. You simply get started and only log in to check how
much return your making daily..

Seriously, click the credit below link so you can check it out as well as
the new system we built around it.

Here's To Your Prosperity
Verlinda Sweeting


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A Marketers Dream come True ((NEW))


Hope you are doing Great.

Something BIG has arrived... REALLY BIG.
It's a Marketers Dream Come True.

Join free, look around then get ahead of the competition.

This will go viral.
Don't miss out and get in now.

Isaac Pagan


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Killing It With Amazon! (Free Download)

Dear Colleague,

I have a special free report for you today.
It's called

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Earn BIG commissions @ LeasedAdSpace!

Hi BitCoiner,

Every now and again, something is released in this
industry that changes everything...

It's something that levels the playing field and
allows every day people to finally compete on the
level of the 'big dogs'....

It's a product that every online business, individual,
entrepreneur needs:

- it's affordable!
- it's easy to use!
- above all else...It works without a hitch!

Today is that day that everyday marketers and
online entrepreneurs just like you break away from
the competition. Today is the day that sets you
apart. Today is the day you finally start making it for real!

You are not going to want to miss this....

Stephen Crossland


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BitCoiner, Top Team Gold And 25 Dollar Legacy Is HERE!


I just had to share this phenomenal system with you. It's called the 25 Dollar Legacy!!

Rapid retirement income program. Over 1,000 people joined on day 1 and still growing rapidly!! If you ever made a decision to join, you need to join us NOW.

We'll be working together with a great group of people. Did you know they offer free training? WOW! Yup, it's true. Well I won't keep you on this email. Come see it for yourself!!

P.S. If you have any questions you can feel free to shoot me an email.

We have a fantastic system. Cannot wait to get you up and running.

25 Dollar Legacy!!

This is going to be a great future... See you on the inside!!


Andrina Futshane


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Already in GDI? No problem! Contact us to learn more !

Some of us have failed at GDI or bought into it and didn't have a clue what to do next.

Then there are those of us who have tried and tried, maybe gotten a few signups, but there was no real help.
Not this time. totally free, totally us,
controlled GDI matrix with the potential to
make us all as much as $9330 a month
Yes, it is too good, but it's also true.
Won't you join us?

Already in GDI?
No problem - Contact us to learn more!

Oliver Love - GDI Team Elite Leader


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URGENT: 4 Corners Alliance Group

Over the past month I've been
asking EVERY Boost My Online Biz
member I chat with, one simple

What program are you pitching
your BMOB leads?

Honestly 8 times out of 10 I
get this answer:

4 Corners Alliance Group

I then ask them this second

How are the BMOB leads responding
to 4 Corners?

The answer to THIS question
always blows me away.

Here's what one member
told me:

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Think You’ve Seen It All?


Announcing Team Atlantis Rising!

Just when you think you’ve seen it all;
you realize that you haven’t.

You simply must check out the new Team Atlantis Rising.

Our product is TrafficWave (TW) which is wildly popular
because of its affiliate pay plan and its must have products.

Team Atlantis Rising members also receive PAID TW
referrals every time their referrals reach the hot seat.

Our system is beyond revolutionary, it’s spectacular!

It doesn’t even matter if you’re already a TW affiliate
or not; you owe it to yourself to check this out today.

I look forward to welcoming you to the Team!

Jerry Holl

PS: Team Atlantis Rising - Strong Since 2009
And We Are Here To Stay



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LATW Helped Me Reach TIDALWAVE in just 6 Months!

I am so excited! LATW's new rotator system has helped me reach TidalWave level in TrafficWave!

To celebrate, I am setting up a rotator to promote all members of my downline.

Once you join, we will promote your team link AND you will be placed on an individual Team that will be promoting you and members directly in YOUR TrafficWave upline and downline.

No other TrafficWave Team uses this kind of rotator system!

It's so simple, yet so effective.

Sign up with a member of my LATW team TODAY and we will promote your team link!

Act Quickly, this is a limited time offer!

Let's Build Our Dreams Together!
Deb Eberle
Happy Member of LATW:)

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Hi BitCoiner,

Here is an AWESOME resource for TONS of traffic
to your website.

I use this resource EVERY DAY!

EVERYONE Can Afford This...

It's the DEAL of a LIFETIME:


You will love it, trust me.

Your Mentor to Success!
Cynthia Howard


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Opportunity Is Knocking

Low Cost - High Quality Life Changing Nutritional Products
International . . . . . We Ship World Wide
Would you like to make a little money . . . or a lot of money?
Would you like to help people become healthier and live a better life?
Not a startup - established in 2007
Free to join - No out of pocket expenses
Commissions can be earned without making any personal purchases
Simple 6 level comp plan with full compression- pays 10% per level
Just A Few Of The MANY Benefits That Our WWC Health Team Build Members Receive FREE!
* Your own professionally designed Team Build Website and back office
* Free Monthly Advertising Co-Op Shares for ALL Active Members
You are guaranteed at least 1 ( one ) signup in the whole Wellness Club per share.
* Your very own Hot Seat and Personal Rotator to help build your downline
* Hundreds of Free Advertising resources
* FREE one-on-one coaching and training by full-time professional network marketers
* FaceBook Training
* SafeList Training
* Google+ Training
* CraigsList Training
* And MUCH MUCH More!

Thanks Daniel
PS Get a Free Week of our Healthy Tea

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🔥🔥🔥 BitCoiner STOP! You Must Read This!🔥🔥🔥

Hi BitCoiner

Want to Start Earning Money In 14 Days Flat?

Experience the thrill of finally earning real money online. Project Breakthrough is the industry\'s first true step-by-step, most comprehensive video guided program, specifically designed to help you:

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3) Scale and multiply your income, up to $20K-$50K.

HTA\'s New \'Project Breakthrough\' Is 100% complimentary!

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Activate Project Breakthrough Now Here: http://www.changelife14days.com/

With 70.9% earning nothing in recent survey survey of more than 2,700 people, HTA wants to have people achieve true success in business and in life. Whether you are new to online marketing or an experienced Internet marketer, you can still gain from this program.

Get results fast with a step-by-step video guided program combining more than 32 years of Internet marketing experience from two industry leaders. Then, watch your business transform right before your very eyes in just 14 days!

Engage Project Breakthrough Today Here: http://www.changelife14days.com/

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