Quite often, I get funny jokes, pictures and cartoons in my e-mail inbox.
I find many of them very amusing, and more often than not, I forward these to my friends, my family, my collegues and to people I know through my work.
I have sometimes wondered how many people that actually ends up getting the very same e-mail that I forward to my friends!
If I forward it to 10 people, who forwards it to 10 people each, who again forwards it to 10 people each... well, that's 1,000 people! And what if they forward it to 10 people each?
That's 10,000 people getting the mail I sent to a few of my friends! In a matter of days!
Finally, I've found a totally genious website that helps me make money from the 1,000's and 1,000's of people out there that like to get a joke in their e-mail inboxes!
It's totally different from the "money making scams" out there. Actually, this is about nothing more than sending a joke to your friends from time to time! And making money when these e-mails get forwarded to 1,000's of people out there. Yes, it really is that simple! And it's free!
Take a look at it, and sign up to start making money from the internet now!
(It's free, so you've got nothing to lose!)
Chris Holroyd
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