First Ever Customizable E-Book!

Hey there!

Have you heard? FIRST EVER customizable e-book

Promote YOUR programs!

Do you promote re-branded e-books?

Have you ever wished you could pick the
programs that were in them?

Well you can NOW!

With Viral Commando Profits YOU decide what goes
into your e-book. YOU decide what you want to

Just fill in your affiliate ids and check the
programs you want to include. Then click a button
and POOF you have an e-book with your chosen
programs in it!

You can give it away as a freebie to build your
list or send it to the people who are already on
your list.

Go check it out....

Happy Hunting!

Tony Tezak

P.S. Everyone knows upgraded members earn more, so
turn up your earning potential to the max with
that special OTO!


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