I Got 152 Sales WITHOUT Clicking For Credits

From July 1st to July 30th
I have enrolled 152 PAYING
members into 5 programs
WITHOUT a single one of them
coming from a safelist or solo

In fact yesterday I wasted 85.00
on solo ads which was a complete
FLOP. (not ONE single signup)

I enrolled these 152 signups
by promoting my links with
a service that double-checks
that the traffic they are
going to send me is PROVEN
to convert for biz opp offers.

You see, TCT weeds out the crap
traffic by testing the conversion
rates before sending it to us.

Members THEN test the traffic
again, and if THEY approve of
the quality, it starts flowing
to YOU.

It may sound complicated but
its really easy to use.

1. Create a TCT Account.

2. Add an unlimited number of
links in the TCT Traffic Shifter.

3. TCT sends this primo traffic
to your links automatically.

By all means keep using safelists
as they do work on SOME level.

But if you need signups FAST
and don't want to waste your
budget on something that's not
PROVEN, I suggest you follow
my lead and join TCT :)


Get More Greene Stuff,

Jenna Pauley
(email us with questions. We won't bite :)

P.S. Join today and email me your
username and I'll get TCT to
send 20.00 of my TCT commissions
your way as PROOF this really
works as well as I say it does :)

Click This Link To Earn Credits:
-> http://listmoola.com/credit_click.php?userid=3312&openkey=ys42mqjw

Click This Link To Report Abuse:
-> http://listmoola.com/reportabuse.php?userid=3312&openkey=ys42mqjw

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