There is a new advertising co-op
site that is an absolute must if
you promote anything online!
They buy traffic and send it to your sites
twice a month at no additional cost to you!
This is the way a co-op should be!
Get in before September 2 if you want a share
of their next traffic purchase!
They have a traffic co-op, banner co-op/exchange,
and text ad co-op/exchange.
It's easy to get setup!
It's fair - Everyone gets a 1 to 1 ratio!
It's super affordable - Only $2.97/mth!
They offer 30% commissions across the board
whether you participate in the traffic co-op
or not.
If you're not interested in the traffic co-op you
can still join as a free affiliate to take part in
the banner co-op/exchange and/or the text ad co-op/exchange.
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